Salient features

  1. The ultimate objective is to set up a developed rural society and create rich and cultured civilians through education.
  2. The right place to socially useful productive labour, co-relating with curriculum.
  3. Co-relation of education with extension and research.
  4. Active participation of student in research work.
  5. Live and continuous contact with the rural society through extension activities.
  6. Activities of students union as inseparable parts of formal and informal education. Place for camps, tours, meets, lectures, computer education and other co- curricular activities.
  7. Continuous and internal evaluations are held or prizes given. Enough place provided to the festivals, cultural programmers and sports. For the development of values, no competitions are held or prizes given.
  8. Continuous and internal evaluation through various methods. lnstead of percentage, gradation system is practiced.
  9. Library for each department,in addition to a well-equipped central library.
  10. To have equal socio-economic status, character-building and self –dependence, inevitable hostel life for student, staff members,campus and stay is essential. The concept of lokbharti as a larger family.
  11. Sustaining natural, affectionate and friendly relationship between the students and thstaff members.Ample opportunities for the student to express themselves.
  12. To empathise the deprived class, khaddi clothes are essential to put on.
  13. Co-education for healthy and balanced man and woman for relevant educational programmes.
  14. Voluntary or obligatory prayer for self-introspection and emotional development.
  15. Monitoring, evaluation and guidance by the rectors-committee for student community living. Contact and co-operation with guardians for student’s welfare and development.
  16. Participation of staff members through various committees in planning to the staff besides their formal work.
  17. Opportunity for the student and staff at the time of natural or human calamities as training for social-human sentiments and skills through active participation.
  18. Scope for individual earning to the needy students through one’s own labor in various department.
  19. Continuous orientation programmes for students and staff affirming the vision and mission of the institute.
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